40 Creepy facts
- Dolphins call out to each other with unique whistles, potentially identifying individuals. This raises the question: what are they saying?
- Some deep-sea fish are bioluminescent, meaning they create their own light. Imagine swimming in the darkness and seeing glowing creatures appear from the abyss.
- During sleep paralysis, you can be conscious but unable to move or speak. Imagine waking up but being frozen, potentially with terrifying hallucinations.
- Cadaver decomposition releases a unique fatty acid that some flies can detect from miles away. The buzzing might not be so annoying anymore.
- Your brain continues to function for several minutes after decapitation.
- Some cultures believe that the feeling of someone walking on your grave signifies the deceased is displeased.
- Sleepwalking can manifest in complex behaviours, with people driving, cooking, or conversing while asleep.
- During hibernation, a bear’s heart rate can slow to four beats per minute. Imagine your pulse dropping that low.
- Cat eyes have a reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum, which enhances night vision. This explains that unsettling glow-in-the-dark.
- Some parasites can take control of their host’s body, forcing them to behave in ways that benefit the parasite’s survival.
- Vulture communication is still not fully understood, but they’ve been observed gathering around people who are near death.
- There are documented cases of people developing Stockholm syndrome, and forming a bond with their captor.
- The human body is constantly shedding skin cells. We breathe in thousands of them every day, often from other people.
- Many insects are attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale. They might be closer than you think.
- Some species of fungi can slowly take over an ant’s body, essentially turning it into a zombie ant.
- During a near-death experience, people often report feeling a sense of peace and detachment from their body.
- Our dreams can be influenced by external stimuli, such as sounds or smells. That strange noise you hear in your sleep might be incorporated into your dream.
- There are documented cases of identical twins committing crimes independently, raising questions about genetics and free will.
- Some believe that dolls can harbour negative energy or even become possessed.
- Certain types of mould can produce toxins that can lead to hallucinations and other disturbing mental effects.
- Here are 20 more for you, in case you’re looking for an extra creep factor:
- Some people suffer from a condition called Exploding Head Syndrome, where they hear loud noises for no apparent reason.
- During mummification, the Egyptians would remove the brain by pulling it out through the nose.
- There are parts of the ocean so deep that sunlight never reaches them. What lurks in the eternal darkness?
- Certain types of worms can burrow into the human eye and live there.
- Our fingernails and hair continue to grow after death.
- There are documented cases of people developing emotional attachments to fictional characters.
- Some believe that cemeteries are haunted by the spirits of the departed.
- Certain sounds can trigger feelings of unease or dread, even if we can’t consciously identify the source.
- Some tribes practice headhunting, taking the heads of their enemies as trophies.
- Catacombs are vast underground tunnels filled with bones. Imagine getting lost down there.
- Some believe that demonic possession is a real phenomenon.
- Certain types of spiders can live for years without food or water.
- There are documented cases of people sleepwalking for miles.
- We blink about 20 times per minute, which means we miss a significant portion of the visual world.
- Our bodies are home to trillions of microscopic organisms, some of which we don’t fully understand.
- Certain sounds can be used to induce feelings of fear or anxiety.
- There are documented cases of people who claim to have memories from past lives.
- The human brain is still a mystery, with many of its functions not fully understood.
- The universe is vast and mostly empty, with the potential for things we can’t even imagine existing out there.
- We are all hurtling through space on a giant rock at incredible speeds. It’s a bit existential, but creepy nonetheless.